Welcome to ACM Groupsite - ACM's Online Community!

ACM Groupsite is the Association of Children's Museums' central hub online. It's a space where children's museum staff, stakeholders, and partners can view upcoming events from ACM, network with other children's museum professionals, and ask for advice, share ideas, and access resources on our discussion boards.

The ACM Member Resource Community and Hand to Hand Community are benefits for ACM members. If you are interested in joining ACM, contact Membership@ChildrensMuseums.org.



The Association of Children’s Museums (ACM) is proud to partner with We Can Do This (https://wecandothis.hhs.gov/), the COVID-19 public education campaign of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  ACM will collaborate with children’s museums and related organizations across the U.S. to share critical information about the avail...


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This area will display upcoming events as they approach on the calendar


No non-private communities to display.


Said: Hello! We are Altru users and will be launching Social Good in a matter of weeks! I would like to reach out to those of you with the same combo to discuss successes, difficulties, opportunities for improvement, and trouble shooting.&nbs...
Said: We're in a similar boat to Christina - we use altru and BBMS, and activated the "auto-renew" button so folks had the option. We haven't done any sort of promotion or added a discount, this was more of an "offering the convenience for fo...
Said: I would like to chime in here, most notably to Maria's message. We use Versai for ticketing, donors, inventory, etc. We used to use WorldPay and at that time we had about 800 auto-renewal memberships. Once i starting reviewing the charg...
Said: We use Versai and have our payments go through Worldpay. Versai offers membership renewals however they do not have the ability to offer this online. You have to physically come into the museum and then the cashier would then ask them i...